Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do my online classes or interviews in the library?

445 views   |   Last updated on May 13, 2024    technology study space


Yes, you can do an online class, meeting, or interview anywhere in the UMKC Libraries being mindful of the noise level expectations for that area. No talking is allowed in the Silent Study area of the Health Sciences Library. 

Bring your own laptop with a webcam, microphone, and headphones, or use a library computer.

  • Zoom is installed on the library computers.
  • Computers on the first and second floors of  Miller Nichols Library have webcams that pop up from the top of the monitor but do not have microphones.
  • Headphones without microphones are available to borrow at the service desks on the first floor of Miller Nichols Library and in the Health Sciences Library.

Reserve a study room in advance if you know you will need more privacy than a library desk or table offers. The online reservation indicates which rooms have doors and technology. 

Coronavirus Information
Due to the spread of COVID-19, all physical library facilities are closed until further notice. The library will continue to provide online resources and services only. FAQ answers regarding physical spaces or materials may not be correct for the duration of the COVID-19 situation.

Ask for clarification via chat, text or email.